Meetings suck. But they don't have to.

It’s All Happening

by John J. Walters

This post right here is an open invitation to get a free month’s trial of MeetingCaptain just for taking the time to send me an email.  I realize that only saves you five bucks, but am I to apologize because the service is reasonably priced to begin with?

Here’s the deal: we’ve been working hard over the past few months to build MeetingCaptain into something that will help people run more effective meetings.  I think it might finally be there, or at least “there enough” to have people start using it and telling me how they feel about it.

So that’s the deal.  If you register and send me a message with your username (mention this post, please), I’ll see to it that you get a free month of the paid version, which allows you to create as many meetings as you want instead of just the one that you’re allowed with the trial.  Of course, participating in meetings is always free.

What’s the catch?  The catch is that I want your opinion.  You can send me as many nasty emails as you want about the program.  Just keep clicking that “contact us” button and fire away.  I’ll respond personally, as I have nothing better to do than make sure your meetings go well.  And that’s the god’s honest.

Ok, enough shameless promotion of the beta launch.  Next week we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming, most likely with a post about effective communication as a response to last week’s post about active listening (unless I think of something more compelling).

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